Poker percentages must almost always govern your evolution. Only in this way will you have an important edge in relation to the opponent and you will, in the long term, succeed. In the hold’em of the last 15 years, mathematics has become an important factor in the game of each professional. Just taking into account probabilities, will you have the chance to become better.
1. Probabilities in poker
In addition to the flair, the ability to read your opponent, playing style and image at the poker table, a successful player has no doubt and mathematical knowledge. To know what percentages your hand has, here is an essential weapon nowadays. If in the past many disciples of Hold’em tend to minimize the importance of this factor to the detriment of others, now things have changed to 180 degrees. Poker has become a global game, millions of players competing to show their skill. Many have become true “robots”, in the sense that they are able to calculate with a maximum accuracy where they are in mathematical point of view. Immediately count the number of outs and calculate to what extent you are a favorite in one can become an indispensable need.
In what follows I want to familiarize you with the percentages of poker hands in case of pre-flow all-in. To know when to push and what chances you will win that hand is an absolutely necessary goal. Only in this way will you know when a push is justified or, consequently, a call to an opponent. These probabilities are extremely useful and if you do not reach all-in. It will be useful to you to determine from the head of the place to what extent a raise of yours, a call or a fold is required if the initial aggressor is someone else.
I have identified below the most common heads-up duels, in which the opponents are tempted to go all-in, especially if the tour phase is advanced. They are obviously valid for cash tables, with the mention that in this case the all-in flop is slightly rarer.
2. Poker percentages: pair vs pair
A classic case of all-in. The larger pair will start favorite in 80% of cases. Things can change a little to the extent that the pair is “A-Airlines); This has a chance to complete two quinten. The classic one and “wheel straight” (A-2-3-4-5). But the differences are not significant.
3. Pcents in poker: pair vs two big books

In the advanced phases of the tournaments, the players often make the decision to go all-in-flop with such starting hands. Many consider this situation “coin flip”, but in reality the pair leaves favorite and will win in about 54-56 cases out of 100.
4. Posts in poker: pair vs two small books
Enough often with two connectors (Suited Connectors), some are willing to push. Either to double or steal the blinds. To the extent that they hit a (more) big pair, they are far from being in the ideal situation. The pair will win 5 out of 6 duels; Things can change easily insofar as small books are connected or the same color, as in our case.
5. Pcents in poker: pair vs big book and small book
It is not wrong to consider that only three books help the right hand (the three ladies left in the pack). In reality, the percentages increase, due to the fact that there are two free books that can link a color. If you count the outs of the possible appearance of two “7” on the board, you will reach 30 cases out of 100 in which the pair is defeated.
6. Pcents in poker: pair vs big book and book from the previous pair

Another classic example of books leading to all-in-flop all-often. No one wants to have Big Slick (AK) in hand, and the opponent will turn two cowboy (KK). Again, only three outsuries save the right hand, but overall it reaches a 70-30 report in favor of the large pair.
7. Poker percentages: Pair vs small card and book from the previous pair
An ideal situation for the one holding the pair. Apparently, only the three saddles can visibly improve the hand from the right, the condition is on the board two of them. The chances, however, exceed 11% for the “outsider” hand: there are possibilities of pain and color. However, such a confrontation is to be avoided for the right -hand book.
8. Poker percentages: pair vs connectors suited larger
Above I was talking about the confrontation of the pair vs Connectors Suited small. And the pair left favorite in about 80% of cases. We also referred to the pair version-two large books, with the pair winning 54-56% of the duels. In the case below, we are approaching the situation of “coin flip”. The pair withstands 51-52 cases out of 100.
Above I presented the most common all-in situations, to better understand how important math is in poker. In the following I will refer to other cases, not so common for all-in, but important to know where you are.